Let’s Talk About Generosity
Your stories from around the world
My husband, our almost two year old son and I went out to dinner—something we don’t often get to do. It was nice to go out and spend some time together and not have to worry about cooking, cleaning up, etc. Our son is very cute…at least in my opinion…but also tends to like to get the attention of those around us!!
My husband and I love going out for dinner with my best friend and her husband, and tonight we went to Bonefish Grill for a couple’s night out. Toward the end of our meal, we were talking about how a stranger blessed my family at Carrabba’s a few weeks ago by paying our more than $300 check and how, since then, we’ve been looking for a way to “give it forward.”
The high school I teach at has a motto of “As One.” Every year, our high school has a contest to see which class can collect the most cans or non-perishable food items to feed people in our own community over the Christmas break…kids who otherwise would not eat because school isn’t open to feed them breakfast and lunch. I have never been one to want to win a contest about giving to others, so I opted to share my heart with my students.