I Like Serving God.

By: Robyn

Two days after Christmas at 7 am, I began my journey back to the DC Metro area. I was equipped with my debit cards, easy pass, and the ten dollar bill my Mom gave to me the night before to help with my gas expenses. 

Before getting on the highway, I knew I had to get gas because of course; I did the “girl thing” and ran my tank very low. :) I wasn’t sure as to which gas station was the best, so I followed my instinct. For some reason I felt myself being pulled towards the Marathon station, so without hesitation, I pulled up to the pump. 

While at the pump I had a thought that told me to “pay attention.” Just as the thought entered my head, a worn-out pick-up truck with a silver cap pulled up behind me. The gentleman got out and began counting change as he walked towards the gas station attendant. He was thin, very dirty, and his teeth were rotten. I remember thinking that he had to be on his way to get coffee because he was counting change. 

At first I was a little afraid but then calm came over me. Our eyes met and he said hello and I returned the smile and the greeting. I asked him if he was headed to work and he smiled big and said proudly, “No, I am headed to diesel mechanic school and it is my last day…I have been going all year long. Soon I will be working on those big trucks out there on the road”. Then he went on to say still with a cheerful voice, “Well hopefully I will get there…. I only have $2.50 for my gas tank.”

Right then I knew exactly what I needed to do. I quickly opened my truck door, reached into my purse and grabbed the ten dollars my Mom had given me. I motioned to him to wait so that he wouldn’t leave. I ran into the station and asked the attended to add the additional ten dollars to his total. 

After pumping the gas he said, “thank you so much, now I know I will get there”. “Have a nice day”. As he drove off, my eyes began to water with joy because it was very clear to me what had just happened. I shared the story with my Mom, my sister, a close friend, and now with you.